Thursday, 3 November 2011

When the IMF reaffirms in your mind, why it is the Last Resort...

This week really marked a major time within the History of the European Monetary Union, the first stages of Greece having no more power in it's own country.

After the markets being stressed over the future of the €zone and Italy, it seemed a deal had been sealed on the weekend and the markets were looking hopeful for Monday, that was until the Greek PM flew back to Athens and announced there would be a referendum vote given to the Greek people to ask if they still wanted to be part of the euro and EU. Obviously the markets went to the panic button and Italian bond yields rose to the roof (The higher the bond yield, the higher the cost for Italy to borrow).

The last time I read of such a immediate of loss of power, was in the Oil Crisis peak of the 70s when the UK had to borrow from The International Monetary Fund. The IMF is the lender of last resort by any country's eyes, and when a combined package with the ECB was made in the last weekend of October, Greece seemed to think it had time to hold a referendum. The heads of the IMF, Germany & France just turned round and refused to give Greece any extra money this week until Greece did the right thing. Now Greece will not be trusted for a very long time...

There is without a doubt in my mind that the Greek PM did the wrong thing, he could have nearly produced the default on Tuesday. It was that serious and also he wasted a huge amount of money within the market. Not only that but when you take into consideration that Greek bond holders lost >50% of their value on their assets negotiated between the ECB & main holders, you can see why Angela Merkel, Nicholas Sarkozy & Christine Lagarde may want to hire an assassination Squad to take down George Papandreou.

Today produced an interactive map of the possibilities of the Fallout of the EU if Greece were to default, it's interesting whichever way you take it.

I don't want to be 'I told you so'...but the default is only becoming more likely, November 2011 will be something European Economic history. The EU will be quite likely, kicking Greece into the dessert by the end of the month to sacrifice the few for the many. Then stage two gets under way... Italy

I'll promise I'll lighten the mood with one of my silly graphs on the weekend^^ Maybe zombies could trigger the collapse of the Eurozone? Stay tuned!

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