Tuesday, 26 February 2013

February Gothic Viewpoint

The far outcries of a weary Britain’s Triple – A downgrade, and the far reaching wails of a Banshee that stay echoing with a once dominant oil giant could be the marks of February 2013, which Economics nerds remember.

Apart from that the dear lust I have in returning to the desolate sector which I call short-term trading. Research and hunger for a weakened Sterling drives me into vast array that this is 2013 and yes people need to be proactive in objects other than chess, in order to survive the Darwinian rules of life.
Iran goes Keynesian
For me, yes I will remember it for these two things, plus Iran’s new adventurous plans for 20 new uranium rich reactors.
Iran’s strategy of its announcement on the new nuclear reactor plans, may pay off in the long term. The strong decisions that Iran will not back down, regardless of international pressure on its nuclear programme as a known Islamic radical state, could pave the wave for new balance of payments to enter the country. Looking at in terms of the size of Iran, one could easily assume that Iran will have a power production surplus in cheap electricity, which could be provided to an oil dependent power consuming gulf.
As much as its nuclear programme is seen as a major threat to Israel and other nations, it could bring forth a new frontier of gulf power. Iran could enrich nuclear weapons, but instead it is taking positive approach in order to combat economic sanction bestowed upon them.

Wireless momentum
At the moment there are two groups pushing forward for one next big thing in world electronic devices. The ability to charge battery powered devices wirelessly from the handheld mp3s and smartphones, to the 12V battery in your car. The ‘Wireless power consortium’ and ‘Power matters’ alliances are the two big groups pushing this forward and competing. A future billion € industry that will maybe see the combination is well with wireless signals in order to keep the spectrum of signals generic and together, as the invisible spectrum gets more and more stuck together.
Only Fools and horses – The Long view

Well apart from the horse meat scandal. Some other people have silver lined their pockets in an array of marvelous moves within the economy.
As the currency attacks become far greater on central banks, deemed by hedge & Pension fund managers as being the new innocent flesh to be cleaned from bones, a sudden eye takes a glimpse where does it go from here?
Well with dilution in the power of central banks, the multiplier effect of virtual power transfers over to the hedge funds at a smiling rate, as they know after the submission of Bank of England to the new round of QE, they will easily take bets on world recession part II.

The Gothic Viewpoint
The central bank may take an extreme monetarism approach to curb the economy as economic collapse may look inevitable, pressing the political side of the coin in to reduce tax receipts in the short-term, in order to reduce the downturn in a rise in central bank interest rates. The proposal seems more to create a wave of laughing amongst some readers. But think of Europe in particular, what options are left before part II is not prophecy anymore?
So the Banshee has not given up yet haunting the tickers at the world indices and another wave of gothic worthy financial depression I may get to rant about. But one thing is for certain, that humans do become innovative, and are able to find ways to adapt to constraints. Well that’s the nice way to put it… now to listen to Rome!
Gothic Economist